网络释义 1. 最小二乘条件 ...odel) 一般的相加模型可表示为 这里 惩罚性的最小二乘条件(penalized least-squares): 可以用使penalized least-squares最优 …|基于 1 个网页 2. 惩罚最小二乘 什么意思_英语penalized在线翻译_有道词典... ... He Shall Be Penalized 应当给予处罚penalized...
1. According to penalized least squares, Cubic natural spline forms penalized item. 在补偿最小二乘的原则下 ,利用三次样条函数构造补偿项 ,通过广义交叉核实函数自动选取光滑参数。更多例句>> 2) Penalized least squares method 补偿最小二乘法
Here, we have considered a penalized least-squares objective functionsuch that the penalty term incorporates nearest neighbor interactions among ...H. D. ScolnikN. E. EchebestM. T. GuardarucciMecnica ComputacionalPopa, C., and R. Zdunek, Penalized Least-Squares Image Reconstruction for Boreho...
Penalized least-squares estimation for regression coefficients in high-dimensional partially linear modelsHuey-Fan NiJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference
According topenalized least squares, Cubic natural spline forms penalized item. 在补偿最小二乘的原则下 ,利用三次样条函数构造补偿项 ,通过广义交叉核实函数自动选取光滑参数。 更多例句>> 5) Penalized least squares method 补偿最小二乘法 6) least square estimate ...
The SCAD-penalized least squares estimators performs well in computation and stability. 本论文研究稀疏高维背景下的广义线性模型的SCAD惩罚最小二乘估计的渐近性质。2) penalized weighted least square estimators 惩罚加权最小二乘估计3) Penalized least-squares 惩罚的最小二乘4...
generalized least squarestwo-dimensional smoothingmean squared errorsmoothing parameterThis paper presents a method to estimate mortality trends of two-dimensional mortality tables. Comparability of mortality trends for two or more of such tables is enhanced by applying penalized least squares and imposing ...
Peng, H. and Huang, T. (2011). Penalized least squares for single index models. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 141 1362-1379. MR2747907Peng, H., Huang, T., 2011. Penalized least squares for single index models. J. Statist. Plan. Inference 141, 1362-1379....
in a penalized least squares representation of the conditional model for the response given the random effects. The representation is similar to that in Hen- derson’s mixed-model equations. An alternative representation of the calculations is as a generalized least squares problem. We describe ...
Penalized least squares methods are commonly used for simultaneous estimation and variable selection in high-dimensional linear models. In this paper we compare several prevailing methods including the lasso, nonnegative garrote, and SCAD in this area through Monte Carlo simulations. Criterion for ...