of inflicting death or serious bodily injury; or (B) anything that in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing death or serious bodily injury. (18) "Drug" has the meaning assigned by Section 481.002, Health and Safety Code. ...
to contact or penetrate the mouth, anus, or sexual organ of another person, including the actor;Note that unlike the common law definition of rape, this statute is gender-neutral, includes sex acts in addition to vaginal intercourse, and has no exemption for rape of a spouse.101 ...
a man makes his wife have sex with him via a threat of force and physical injury. a wife has sex with her husband after he is passed out from drinking too much. a man performs sexual acts on his wife and engages in acts of forced sex while she is asleep. ...
According to the Penal Code, what is the most serious offense committed? Aggravated Robbery 3個答案選項 A person commits an offense of "injury" to a child, elderly, or "disabled person" if he or she intentionally, knowingly, recklessly by omission, or with criminal negligence (by act or ...
Legally the term “willful” means you acted on purpose. It does not require that you had intent to inflict injury or even break the law. Many people don't realize it's still possible to be charged with a domestic violence related crime even in a situation where no physical contact occurr...
(B) a client or patient of a victim suffered serious bodily injury or death attributable to the offense. (e) When benefits are obtained, a victim is defrauded or harmed, or property is altered, appropriated, damaged, or deleted in violation of this section, whether or not in a single in...