71OrganizedCrime. TITLE1 INTRODUCTORYPROVISIONS CHAPTER1 GENERALPROVISIONS Section 1.01.ShortTitle. 1.02.ObjectivesofCode. 1.03.EffectofCode. 1.04.TerritorialJurisdiction. 1.05.ConstructionofCode. 1.06.ComputationofAge. 1.07.Definitions. 1.08.Preemption. ...
California Penal Code Section 647(J)(4), and It's considered to be a form of “nonconsensual pornography.” This law has similar elements of the crime of invasion of privacy laws, where someone secretly records sexual videos or images of another person without them knowing or giving consent...
Indian Penal Code (IPC) S. 139. Persons subject to certain Acts. 139. Persons subject to certain Acts.—No person subject to [i][the Army Act, [ii][the Army Act, 1950 (46 of 1950)], the Naval Discipline Act, [iii][[iv][* * *] the Indian Navy (Discipline) Act, 1934 (34 ...
California Penal Code 311.10 PC. PC 311.11. California Penal Code section 311.4 PC. Judicial Council of California Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) 1141 –Distributing Obscene Matter Showing Sexual Conduct by a Minor. SB 1381 (2024). SB 1831 (2024). California Penal Code 311.4 PC. See also People...
More details about this Section Cognizable or not? Cognizable Whether Bailable? Bailable Compoundable or not? Not compoundable Triable by whom? Any Magistrate Indian Penal Code (IPC) – Index of All Sections [i]Substitutedby Act 3 of 1895, S. 3 for the original S. 294. ...
Section 497 (Adultery) of the Indian Penal Code - The MYTH and the REALITYAvik Ghatak
HIV/AIDS prevention Section 377 of Indian penal code: an impediment towards HIV/AIDS preventionSection 377 of Indian penal code: an impediment towards HIV/AIDS preventionAnderwar, UshaRowkavi, AshokAnand, Vivek
Indian Penal Code (IPC) S. 376E. Punishment for repeat offenders. [i][376-E. Punishment for repeat offenders.—Whoever has been previously convicted of an offence punishable under Section 376 or Section 376-A or[ii][Section 376-AB or Section 376-D or Section 376-DA or Section 376-DB]...
More details about this Section Indian Penal Code (IPC) – Index of All Sections [i]Insertedby Act 27 of 1870, S. 10. [ii]Substitutedby the A.O. 1937 for “not authorised by Government”. [iii]Substitutedby Act 3 of 1951, S. 3 and Sch., for “a lottery organised by the Central...