To be sold by Auction, by James BIRD, At the Dwelling-house and Farm of Mr Francis HICKS, at Breckles, near Watton, in Norfolk, on Tuesday, the twenty-seventh Day of March, Instant, and the Five following Days, (Sundays excepted) All the Farming Stock, Husbandry Utensils, Household Fur...
Camping utensils or tools such as pocket knives and Swiss army knives are permitted provided the blades are less than 75 mm long. Folding knives where the blade locks into place are prohibited. You can bring bats, snooker or pool cues and darts on board if they're stored in a protective...
Inveterate trader. Send me a note for my list of pens, watches, knives and other fun things for sale or trade... The Danitrio Fellowship Jimmy James Member - Gold 3.8k Location:Virginia PostedNovember 17, 2010 Speerbob is another great and reputable seller. He is a user here and has a...
Even with swords and knives, you can buy an excellent blade; cook’s knives, eating knives, daggers, broadswords. Ultimately, recreating the past, or understanding a fantasy world, is more about containers than it is about weapons. Try and find a decent, correct scabbard. Or a net bag to...