Ide Modul Ajar PJOK Kelas 3 SD/MI Kurikulum Merdeka Modul Ajar Kelas 2 SBDP SD/MI Semester 1 Merdeka Belajar Buku Guru dan Siswa Kelas 2 SD/MI Merdeka belajar Buku Merdeka belajar Guru dan Siswa Kelas 4 SD/MI Download Buku Merdeka Belajar Kelas 5 Guru dan Siswa Kumpulan RPP Merdeka bela...
Curriculum 2013 is a learning that emphasize on the affective aspect, which is the behavior changing. A teacher should be able and understand the process of assessing. One of them is the behavior assessment. This research is intended to find out the implementation of behavior assessment in scienc...