This article discusses how linguistic factor and non linguistic factor influenced Arabic Classroom. DOI: 10.15408/a.v1i2.1137doi:10.15408/a.v1i2.1137Aziz FahrurroziArabiyatFahrurrozi, Aziz. 2014. "Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab: Problematika dan Solusinya ", dalam Arabiyat, Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa...
PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB BERBASIS PORTOFOLIO Porto/olio based learning is a model of changing in learning strategy, a kind of learning innovation designed to aid student to understand theories deeply through learning experience empirically. This model of learning can be educational... ND Hariyani - ...
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Online Berbasis Learning Management System (LMS) pada Program Studi Sastra Arab Universitas Hasanuddin 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 33 作者: Baso, Yusring Sanusi 摘要: The aims of this research are to: 1) Explain actual conditions of Arabic ...
The principle of at-tharqatu ahammu min al-mddah (method is more important than content) can be developed to be main principle spirit, profesionality and strategic role of language educator is more important in teaching Arabic than the method itself, since basically there is no most ...
MANAJEMEN PELATIHAN PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB LANGSUNG MELALUI METODE MULTIPLE CHOICE DIGITAL QUESTIONS TERHADAPA PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA ARABdoi:10.36418/jurnalsostech.v3i2.649That to further improve education and teaching, especially learning Arabic at the University of Muhammadiyah J...
Modernisasi dalam Tradisi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab (Studi Komparatif di Pesantren Darussalam Labuhan Haji Aceh Selatan dan Pesantren Musthafawiyah Purba Baru, Sumatera Utara)doi:10.22373/jie.v7i1.17857ACEH (Indonesia)SUMATERA Utara (Indonesia)
PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB BERBASIS PORTOFOLIO Porto/olio based learning is a model of changing in learning strategy, a kind of learning innovation designed to aid student to understand theories deeply through learning experience empirically. This model of learning can be educational... ND Hariyani - ...
KOMIK SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 7 作者: L Firdaus 摘要: One ofvailable strategies to creat effective learning is learning strategy by using media. The media is very urgen because of it's function as a tool to help teacher to turn student's...
Manajemen Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Berbasis TIK di Madrasah Aliyah Daarul Uluum MajalengkaThis study aimed to analyze the management of ICT-based Arabic learning. This study was designed to find the management of ICT-based Arabic learning in MA Daarul Uluum Majalengka. This study proposed that the ...
The recommendations of this research were: the campus should make guideline of lesson plans writing and the addition of the number of credit semester system.doi:10.15408/a.v5i1.7515Euis ErnawatiARABIYAT Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban...