so he killed all potential suitors of his daughter after defeating them in the race. However, Pelops asked forPoseidon's help, and together they made a plan; they convinced
meia, daughter of king Oenomaus, who had already vanquished in the chariot-race and slain many suitors for his daughter's hand. But by the help of Poseidon, who lent him winged steeds, or of Oenomaus's charioteer Myrtilus, whom he or Hippodameia bribed, Pelops was victorious in the ra...
again, denies the story of the kreourgia, and states that Poseidon, being in love with the beautiful boy Pelops, carried him off, whereupon Pelops, like Ganymedes, for a time stayed with the gods. (Ol. i. 46, &c.; conmp. Schol. ad Ol. i. 69; Eurip. Iph. Taur. 387; Phi...
But in this emergency Poseidon came to the aid of the son of Tantalus. He caused the wheels of the royal chariot to fly off, whereupon the king was thrown out violently, and killed on the spot, just as Pelops arrived at the altar of Poseidon. As the hero was about to return to ...