Daniel 'Chino' Herrera Tranquilino Cruz de amor(1970) Arturo Soto Rangel Don Fernando The Treasure of the Sierra Madre(1948) Rosenda Monteros María The Magnificent Seven(1960) David Reynoso Picao Rage(1966) Luis Aragón General Méndez
El segundo hombre también estaba allí, posiblemente chino, delgado y conel pelo de punta. The second man was there, too—possibly Chinese, wiry,spiked hair. Literature Me pusoel pelo de punta. It made myhair stand up.GALES OFLAUGHTER ...
Daniel 'Chino' Herrera Tranquilino Cruz de amor (1970) Arturo Soto Rangel Don Fernando The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) Rosenda Monteros María The Magnificent Seven (1960) David Reynoso Picao Rage (1966) Luis Aragón General Méndez Cuna vacía (1967) José Pulido Do...
Las tres pelonas: Directed by René Cardona. With Antonio Aguilar, Rodolfo Landa, Martha Valdés, Daniel 'Chino' Herrera. In this semi-historical film by Director Rene Cardona, life-long friends somehow find themselves risking not only everything they ha