As the gateway to Peking University’s Shenzhen campus, the School of Transnational Law building facilitates innovative ways of study and collaboration in a form that reflects the program’s unique approach to legal education.
Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL)是世界上唯一提供双学位课程的法学院,在该课程中,学生将获得美国模式的法学博士学位(JD)学位以及中国法学硕士学位(JM)学位。学生必须精通英语和汉语,才能完成为期四年的课程,并能流利地使用美国和中国这两个世界超级大国的法律制度。 STL还提供将国际法,中国法和...
网络北京大学国际法学院 网络释义 1. 北京大学国际法学院 ...周五投票反对向海外法律学院开放认证,这对成立4年的北京大学国际法学院(Peking University School of Transnational Law…|基于2个网页
北京大学国际法学院(Peking University School of Transnational Law, 简称“STL”)位于北京大学深圳研究生院,是中国也是全世界范围内,唯一一所提供全英文环境下的美国法Juris Doctor教育(J.D.)和中国法法律硕士教育(J.M.)的法学院。STL严谨的教学、中英双语法学教育模式能够让学生更好地适应经济全球化背景下日益...
Peking University School of Transnational Law Founded in 2008, Peking University's School of International Law is the only law school in the world that offers both a JD in the US law and legal science (JD) and a LL.M. degree in Chinese law (JM) In the era of education, China has cu...
芒格第十讲芒格在南加州大学gould法学院毕业典礼上的演讲(Munger tenth at the University of Southern California law school Gould Munger graduation ceremony speech) 热度: PekingUniversitySchoolofTransnationalLaw InternationalExchangeProgramCourseList2013-14 ...
By Zhu Zhimeng 朱知萌 Peking University School of Transnational Law 1. Introduction The digitization and automation of the global economy have the potential to destabilize what is arguably the world’s most important tax tool–personal income taxes. Therefore it has wide-ranging economic and social ...
The Peking University Transnational Law Review ("STL Law Review") is an English-language academic journal, edited and operated independently by students of the Peking University School of Transnational Law ("STL"). Established i...
As the library of the sole law school in the world that offers a dual degree in American common law (Juris Doctor) and a Chinese law degree (Juris Master), the Peking University School of Transnational Law Library shoulders the burden of knowledge transfer between East and West. This article...
分享11赞 法硕保研吧 P大考研邦 北大STL介绍写在前面北京大学国际法学院(Peking Un北京大学国际法学院(Peking University School of Transnational Law, 简称“STL”)位于北京大学深圳研究生院,是中国也是全世界范围内,唯一一所提供全英文环境下的美国法Juris Doctor教育(J.D.)和中国法法律硕士教育(J.M.)的法学院...