mudge (redirected fromPeiter "Mudge" Zatko) mudge (mʌdʒ) n 1.Scota movement or motion 2.mud; sludge vb 3.Scotto move or shift 4.(tr) to bruise or squash Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, ...
币界网报道:据路透社报道,社交媒体巨头推特聘请新安全负责人,知名白帽黑客Peiter Zatko(推特昵称为Mudge)将负责安全、网站完整性和工程。Zatko发推称,很高兴能加入推特管理团队。
(redirected from Peiter Mudge Zatko) mudge (mʌdʒ) n 1. Scot a movement or motion 2. mud; sludge vb 3. Scot to move or shift 4. (tr) to bruise or squash Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, ...
See Peiter Mudge Zatko's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore Peiter Mudge Zatko's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment prof
推特# 前安全主管扎特科 (Peiter 'Mudge' Zatko )元月被开,6月获700万美元赔偿几天后举报推特谎称公司有坚实的安全计划,并对其对黑客的防御措施做出误导性陈述,现在马斯克以扎特科的举报证实推特作假为由要求终止收购合同推特曾称解雇扎特科是因为他领导不力和表现不佳,后与扎特科达成和解赔了他700万美元,扎特科签...
Peiter ‘Mudge’ Zatko gave the testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday Twitter’s lack of internal security controls was such that the company was simply unable to detect agents of foreign intelligence services who had infiltrated the company, former security chief...
这起案件的法官最近允许马斯克一方修改他对推特的反诉,将推特前安全主管的指控纳入其中。这位安全主管最近提交了一份举报人投诉,称推特公司在证券方面存在严重失误。周二早些时候,举报人Peiter“Mudge”Zatko在参议院一个委员会作证。 一份监管文件显示,周一推特的律师在一封信中表示,这位亿万富翁试图离开是“无效和错误...
Ask Peiter "Mudge" Zatko when he first realized that he wanted to turn hacking into a career and he'll tell you he didn't really have a choice in the matter. His passion for computers and technology was, after all, fostered all the way back to when he was a baby. Back then, he ...
鞭牛士 1月22日消息,据路透社消息,推特周五表示,公司安全主管Peiter Zatko已不在该公司,首席信息安全官Rinki Sethi将在未来几周内离职。 Peiter Zatko因其黑客账号Mudge而广为人知,他在2020年被任命为推特安全主管,此前该公司曾出现安全漏洞。推特并未说明两人是否自愿离职。
Zatko—better known by his hacker handle "Mudge"—is a respected cybersecurity expert who first gained prominence in the 1990s and later worked in senior positions at the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Agency and Google. Twitter fired him from the security job early this year for what the...