例如:通过计算石墨烯中的Peierls substitution,可以发现只有凑出一个六角格子的面积,才能使得Hofstadter蝴蝶在满一个周期时,某个跃迁在每个元胞中的的相位始终都是2pi的整数倍。也就是说如果某个元胞的某个跃迁的相位是零,那么在下一个元胞的相同的位置相位应该为2pi,这样整体体系才会完全重复。具体参考:六角格子的...
Two limiting cases are treated: the tight binding limit and the weak potential. In these cases different direct perturbation theories are applicable. The energy difference with and without magnetic field is compared with calculations based on the "Peierls substitution". The latter is shown to lead ...
Peierls transition in substitutionally disordered quasi-one-dimensional conductors In this paper, the mean-field transition temperature of the Peierls transition is obtained for a quasi-one-dimensional binary substitutional alloy AxB1-x a... C.,Tannous,A.,... - 《Physical Review B Condensed Matter...