1、修复了启动菜单的某些错误和管理员密码的设置问题。2、修复了戴尔DBC功能。3、修复了反复重启系统会出现RTC电池丢失的问题。4、将Intel ReferenceCode更新至1.6.2。像这类故障一般原因比较复杂,可能是系统和软件之间冲突,也可能是软件和软件之间有冲突,从而造成系统运行某些服务程序时出现错误,检测故...
这个应该是pei - intel 的引导模式,是由Intel的Firmware系统在服务器开机时显示的。它表示服务器正在运行PEI(Pre-EFI Initialization)阶段,在这个阶段,服务器正在初始化和加载EFI(Extensible Firmware Interface)系统,之后服务器就可以正常运行了哦。不知道是否解决了亲的问题呢~
PEI--Intel Reference Code Execution.. DC 主板型号:X10 === X10DRL-I 问题描述:BIOS自检卡DC 产生原因: 1、由于CPU安装不一致导致。 解决方法: 1、更换一致的CPU 示例图片: F9 主板型号:X9 === X9DRL-iF 产生原因: 1、内存故障导致 2、主板故障导致 解决方法: 1、重新插拔内存 2、更换主板 FF 主板...
pei intel reference code execution 关机 过一段时间后重启解决问题
required by the Intel® Platform Innovation Framework for EFI Architecture Specification • Describes the machine preparation that is required for subsequent phases of firmware execution • Discusses state variables that describe the system restart type See Organization of the PEI CIS for more ...
课程目标 选择一个适合您的应用的Stratix® 10 器件的配置方案 所需技能 具备数字逻辑知识背景 了解基本的FPGA结构 了解使用Intel® Quartus® Prime 软件配置FPGA的流程 如果您需要本课程的帮助,请发送电子邮件至 fpgatraining@intel.com。 Reference Course Code: FPGA_OCCNFGS10Enroll...
外部逻辑分析器操作知识(可选择) 如果本次课程的音频没有自动开始,请先暂停播放,然后在课程播放器上播放。本次课程的音频脚本可在播放器的隐藏式字幕(CC)功能中获得。 如果您需要有关本次课程的帮助,请发送电子邮件至fpgatrai...
Thanks. I had actually seen a similar list in my digging around (I can't seem to find it now), but it did not have "20" in it which is where my system hangs with no further information. I now believe I know why it is doing that (wrong memory type...sigh), but I was surpris...
required by the Intel® Platform Innovation Framework for EFI Architecture Specification • Describes the machine preparation that is required for subsequent phases of firmware execution • Discusses state variables that describe the system restart type See Organization of the PEI CIS for more ...