After numerous hours of time wasting – er, I mean, debate (!) with myself, I figure 1-3 ain’t gonna happen in my lifetime. 4 is a slim-to-none possibility, especially since the NYTimes has recently changed and only lists HARDBACK books in their list, no more mass market one. (...
评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 系统标签: yellowstonepeggydeceptionyellowsthendersonjana YellowstoneDeception Book5 YellowstoneRomanceSeries ByPeggyLHenderson Copyright©2012byPeggyHenderson Thisisaworkoffiction.Names,characters,places,andincidentsareeither theproductoftheauthor’simagination,orusedfictiti...