The lensed quasar resembles a cross because the gravitational force of the foreground galaxy on its light creates four images of the quasar.[28] Stephan's Quintet is another unique object located in Pegasus. It is a cluster of five galaxies at a distance of 300 million light-years and a ...
The distance to this galaxy has been measured using the I-magnitude of the TRGB: ( m — M ) 0 = 25.13 ±0.11 mag ( d = 1060 ±50 kpc) (see Lee et al. 1993). This value is significantly smaller than the Cepheid distance estimate by Hoessel et al. (1990), ( m - M ) 0 ...
Two PL relations for Cepheids have been used to derive the distance, resulting in 1.07 ± 0.05 Mpc. We present the VARFINDER code which finds the variable stars and their predicted periods in a given synthetic color-magnitude diagram computed with IAC-star and we propose the use of the ...
Phoenix is a city run by a slither of lamia, and even though Raven tries to maintain her distance from them each year when the circus rolls around, that’s not really an option this time. The slither is now being run by her father and brother…and they have a favor to ask of their...
SN 2008ha was a type Ia supernova which was first observed around November 7, 2008 in the galaxy UGC 12682, which lies in the constellation Pegasus at a distance of about 21.3 megaparsecs (69 Mly) from Earth. SN 2008ha是大約在2008年11月7日在位於飛馬座的星系UGC 12682內發現的一顆 Ia ...
And Kouga pushed Abzu again for distance so he can give Saori chance to leave the realm. Despite of worried, Kouga told Saori that everything will be fine. He will return soon after he finish Abzu. After Kouga asked Saori to leaved, Abzu came and fight Kouga again. Suddenly the Aria ...
Efforts to fit self-consistent stellar population models based on the Geneva stellar evolution tracks yield a revised distance of 760 kpc. Quantitative fits to the stellar population are explored as a means to constrain the star formation history. The numbers of main sequence and core helium-...
Fitting model isochrones indicates that this object, Pegasus III, features an old and metal-poor stellar population ([Fe/H]$\\\sim-2.1$) at a heliocentric distance of $205\\\pm20$ kpc. The new stellar system has an estimated half-light radius of $r_h=78^{+30}_{-24}$ pc and a...
Using the trigonometric distance, we derived an absolute magnitude of |$M_{K^{\\prime }}=-8.09 \\pm 0.05\\:$| mag. This result shows that the position of SV Peg in the PLR falls on the C' sequence found in the PLR in the LMC, which is similar to other SRVs i...
distance scaleThe metal-poor, fundamental-mode (P0) and first-overtone (P1) Cepheids in the dwarf galaxies IC 1613, WLM, Pegasus, Sextans A, Sextans B, and Leo A are compared with the about equally metal-poor Cepheids of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). The period-color (P-C) ...