Michael Blais
(2008). "Can the Traditional Asian US Dollar Peg Ex- change Rate Regime be Extended to Include the Japanese Yen?" International Review of Financial Analysis, 17(5), 870-885.Can the traditional Asian US dollar peg exchange rate regime be extended to include the Japanese yen?[J] . Colm ...
Speculator’s attack on HK’s dollar peg during the Asian Financial Crisis: HK’s response5个回答 投机者的攻击港元的联系汇率,在亚洲金融危机:香港的回应2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名 正在翻译,请等待... 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名对HK的美元钉的投机商的攻击在亚洲金融危机期间: HK的反应...
【APASL|绿洲项目阶段性研究成果】 | 聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b(PegIFNα-2b)可降低高风险亚洲慢性乙型肝炎患者的肝细胞癌风险[1]。(本研究为绿洲项目的阶段性、亚组分析,主要拟探究在核苷类似物抗病毒已经将HCC发生率降低至相对较低水平的背景下,干扰素治疗与之相比在降低HCC方面是否有额外的获益。)在基线HCC高风险的...
Asian Currency Basket Peg: Feasibility and a Move Towards a Multi-polar WorldThe following sections are included:IntroductionFeasibility of a Basket Peg in AsiaIssues in Managing Coordinated Currency PegsEuropean Economic and Monetary SystemComparisons of Europe with AsiaEuropean Experience and FX ...
The author explores the reasons for enactment of SC Pegasianum, and seeks to prove that the senate decision was part of a wider project to reform the Roman testament in the 1st century. He also deals with the legal consequences of the adoption and implementation of the senate's decision....
doi:10.1016/j.cca.2018.04.041Ge, HuaYan, YanWu, DiHuang, YongshengTian, FeiClinica Chimica ActaGe H, Yan Y, Wu D, Huang Y, Tian F. Prognostic value of PEG10 in Asian solid tumors: a meta-analysis. Clin Chim Acta. 2018;483:197-203....
PEG10Solid tumorsPrognosisMeta-analysisBackground The involvement of paternally expressed gene 10 (PEG10) in the development of solid tumors has been demonstrated. However, the available data have not yet been fully analyzed. We conducted this meta-analysis to evaluate the correlations between PEG10...
Reisen , Helmut , & Axel Van Trotsenburg , Should the Asian NICs Peg to the Yen ? Intereconomics , 1998 , July2August : 172 - 1771REISEN, Helmut/TROTSENBURG, Axel van, "Should the Asian NICs Peg to the Yen?" Intereconomics, Vol. 23, 1988, S. 172-177....
Cases in which the baseplate peg was within the scapular neck were defined as non-penetration, and the non-penetration rates among each group were evaluated and compared between sexes, and their relationship with patient height was evaluated.In both the Friedman and glenoid placements, the non-...