COOK公司生产的PEG管有2种,我们还只用过第一种就是PULL,内镜引导穿刺导丝引导拉取导管的方法;还有另外一种管是PUSH(公司介绍产品为BRT),方法是内镜监视下穿刺后将导管推入胃内,这种方法我还没有用过。 下面是PULL法的简要示意图及简要过程(文末附视频)。 PULL方法示意图 PULL方法基本过程 常见PEG规格 其中24,就...
COOK公司生产的PEG管有2种,我们还只用过第一种就是PULL,内镜引导穿刺导丝引导拉取导管的方法;还有另外一种管是PUSH(公司介绍产品为BRT),方法是内镜监视下穿刺后将导管推入胃内,这种方法我还没有用过。 下面是PULL法的简要示意图及简要过程(文末附视频)。 PULL方法示意...
目前常见的PEG共有三种技术方式,即Ponsky-Gauderer拖出(pull)法、Sacks-Vine推入(push)法、Russell插入(Introducer)法。 插入法采用的是塞尔丁格技术(Seldinge technique),使用套管针经过腹壁进入胃腔,沿着一根导丝进行扩张后,再将胃造口...
doi:10.1016/S0016-5107(97)70050-6SergioSartoriandL.TrevisaniandI.NielsenandD.SDOSGastrointestinal Endoscopy
肠内营养支持途径的选择及PEG/J的简介 肠内营养(EnteralNutrition,EN) 定义:经胃肠道用口服或管饲的方法,为机体提供代谢 需要的营养基质及其它各种营养素。 原则:Ifthegutworks,useit.当胃肠道功能允许时,应首选肠内营养。 国内:“当肠道有功能且能安全使用时就应用它”。黎介寿。肠内营养-外科...
经皮内窥镜下胃空肠造瘘PEGPEJ的护理 经皮内窥镜下胃空肠造瘘PEGPEJ的护理 临床养分支持途径 肠外养分支持(ParenteralNutrition,PN)肠内养分支持(EnteralNutrition,EN)2 ◆经胃肠道用口服或管饲来供给代谢须要的养分基质及其它各种养分素。◆原则:Ifthegutworks,useit.◆当胃肠道功能允许及平安前提下,应首选肠内 养...
A code block capture can also produce captures by calling the push(s: string) function from the code block. Note that this is an experimental feature and that the API might change in future versions. The example has been extended to capture each word and number with the > string capture ...
Miss Rachel, Marti Belle and Sin-D have a plan-If they can beat champion Ayoka in a 3 on 1 battle, then she’ll have to defend her title against each of them. If Ayoka can pull off a win, then the 3 challengers will have to compete amongst themselves for the title shot. Ayoka...
Simplified "Push" technique for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in children Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) by the "pull" technique is the standard method in pediatric patients. Modifications have been reported for adults... TM Crombleholme,NN Jacir - 《Journal of Pediatric Surgery》 被...
Each vial of PegIntron, powder contains 50 micrograms of peginterferon alfa-2b as measured on a protein basis. Each vial provides 50 micrograms/0.5 ml of peginterferon alfa-2b when reconstituted as recommended. The active substance is a covalent conjugate of recombinant interferon alfa-2b* wit...