2.佩格和小猫5 英文原版 The Sleepover (Peg + Cat) It’s a sleepover party! Peg and Cat and four Pirates (plus the parrot) are happily drawing, playing games, and watching a video. But when the Pirates start feeling sad and homesick, it’s a really big problem. Four sleeping bags (pl...
《佩格和小猫 Peg+Cat》由美国公共电视网络PBS Kids出品的学龄前儿童动画片,根据2012年出版的儿童图书“The Chicken Problem”改编,由The Fred Rogers Company制作。讲述佩格和她的小猫运用数学知识和方法解决一个又一个挑战的故事。 《佩格和小猫 Peg+Cat》四个主要的目标:(1)鼓励孩子认识到数学是有意思、酷、并...
Peg and Cat and four Pirates (plus the parrot) are happily drawing, playing games, and watching a video. But when the Pirates start feeling sad and homesick, it’s a really big problem. Four sleeping bags (plus a sleeping sock), four pillows (plus a beanbag), and four blankets (plus...
【优惠分享】PLUS会员、概率券:白象 方便面泡面 珍骨汤老母鸡汤面 102g*5包 5.56元+运费券需用券 2023-06-19 01:32 【时光与他恰是正好花絮】东门口小分队欢乐片场日常 2023-06-19 02:56 《时光与他,恰是正好》混剪,是谁的青春里差了个东门口小分队啊。 2023-06-19 02:52 2023阳江龙舟大赛 初一 东钵...
Peg+Cat: Creado por Billy Aronson, Jennifer Oxley. Con Dwayne Hill, Hayley Faith Negrin, Christian Distefano, Tommy Wazelle. A spirited little girl named Peg and her sidekick Cat solve problems using foundational math concepts.
Start learning the magic of numbers with Peg + Cat! Shop official merchandise including books, apparel and accessories.
Peg+Cat: Creato da Billy Aronson, Jennifer Oxley. Con Dwayne Hill, Hayley Faith Negrin, Christian Distefano, Tommy Wazelle. A spirited little girl named Peg and her sidekick Cat solve problems using foundational math concepts.
06:08 Peg Plus Cat The 0 9年前 01:51 佩格和小猫:小猫闯祸了,它把小鸡 迷妹小剧场 0 5年前 02:27 佩格和小猫:佩格非常逗,就为了找 迷妹小剧场 0 5年前 01:47 佩格和小猫:阿雷厉害啊,用音乐控 迷妹小剧场 0 5年前 01:49 佩格和小猫:每个人找到了属于自己 迷妹小剧场 0 5年前 01...
06:08 Peg Plus Cat The 0 9年前 01:51 佩格和小猫:小猫闯祸了,它把小鸡 迷妹小剧场 0 5年前 02:27 佩格和小猫:佩格非常逗,就为了找 迷妹小剧场 0 5年前 01:47 佩格和小猫:阿雷厉害啊,用音乐控 迷妹小剧场 0 5年前 01:49 佩格和小猫:每个人找到了属于自己 迷妹小剧场 0 5年前 01...