: drink poured himself out a stiff peg Dorothy Sayers 6 : something (such as a leg) resembling a peg 7 : throw especially : a hard throw in baseball made in an attempt to put out a base runner peg 2 of 4 verb pegged; pegging transitive verb 1 a : to put a peg into ...
Spanish / Español Select a language: pegboard [ˈpegbɔːd]N→tableromdeclavijas Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
11.(Angling)anglinga fishing station allotted to an angler in a competition, marked by a peg in the ground 12.informala level of self-esteem, importance, etc (esp in the phrasesbringortake down a peg) 13.informalSeepeg leg 14.(Clothing & Fashion)off the pegchieflyBrit(of clothes) ready...
fair and honest (esp in the phrase a square deal) straight, even, or level: a square surface at right angles to the wicket: square leg in a straight line across the pitch: a square pass (of the sails of a square-rigger) set at right angles to the keel informal old-fashioned in vi...
Peg Leg Porker 903 Gleaves St, Nashville, TN 37203-4112 +1 615-829-6023 Website Improve this listing Ranked #7 of 252 Quick Bites in Nashville 1,786 Reviews Certificate of Excellence Price range: $10 - $20 Cuisines: Barbecue, Fast Food More restaurant details ...
Perez continues to stretch Lennox, only this time she uses a single leg Boston Crab, taking each leg in turn as she works over a protesting Kaci. A desperate hairpull from Lennox frees her, but Perez goes right back to work, stretching her arms, launching into a vicious assault of ...
English Filipino French Indonesian Japanese Korean Spanish Internet access Free Wi-Fi in all rooms! Internet Wi-Fi in public areas Dining, drinking, and snacking Breakfast [buffet] Breakfast [continental] Kitchen Cleanliness and safety Hot water linen and laundry washing Services and conveniences Co...
: drink poured himself out a stiff peg Dorothy Sayers 6 : something (such as a leg) resembling a peg 7 : throw especially : a hard throw in baseball made in an attempt to put out a base runner peg 2 of 4 verb pegged; pegging transitive verb 1 a : to put a peg into ...
Best pulled pork in all of Nashville. The staff is great, the food is to die for and the atmosphere is open, fun and positive. Date of visit:January 2015 Value Atmosphere Service Food Ask Kristi W about Peg Leg Porker Thank Kristi W ...
The meaning of PEG is a small usually cylindrical pointed or tapered piece (as of wood) used to pin down or fasten things or to fit into or close holes : pin, plug. How to use peg in a sentence.