Looking for Peer production? Find out information about Peer production. The production of content by the general public rather than by paid professionals and experts in the field. Also called "peer production" and... Explanation of Peer production
Peer-to-Peer is a fundamental design principle and marks a paradigm shift for communication in computer networks. In this paper first a definition for peer-to-peer systems is given based on their characteristics. Using four quality attributes the DFG Res
Das Prinzip von Versuch und Irrtum kommt seltener zur Anwendung, wenn Planer fragen können: »Wer weiß, wie man Fenster und Dachüberstände baut, die für diese Art von Klima geeignet sind?« – und auf Erfahrung beruhende Antworten bekommen.So können auch größere Probleme ...
Peer review research is the sphere of science studies dealing with the central mechanism of the self-evaluation of scholarly practice. This article offers a critical review of this research. It seems that peer review research is deeply involved in the se