Many people are drawn to peer to peer lending because you are investing in real people, not some faceless bank or mutual fund. 很多人被P2P借贷吸引的原因是他们是真正在活生生的人身上投资,而非一些没有脸的银行或者是投资基金。 Peer to peer lending also adds diversification to an investor’s overa...
Think Twice Before You Jump On The Peer-To-Peer Investing BandwagonAllison Kade
Instead of investing in money market funds, you can invest directly in the loans taken out by borrowers through peer-to-peer marketplaces like Prosper. How does peer-to-peer investing through Prosper work? Prosper offers a unique tool for diversifying, earning and investing in real people. Thro...
Banks, credit unions and online lenders offer personal loans, but a relatively new option for borrowers is peer-to-peer lending.
Easy Access to Loans and Better Interest Rates Driving the Market Peer-to-peer investing is gradually gaining popularity among investors and borrowers across the world. Peer-to-peer business lending provides easy loans and additional credit to small and medium businesses. It also makes money lending...
banking, p2p makes loans and returns the proceeds of loans to investors/lenders. But P2P lending removes the ‘middleman’, a banker. Instead of investing through a bank in funds or certificates of deposit, you can invest in loans that are taken out by borrowers over peer to peer platforms...
Related to Peer to peer:BitTorrent,LimeWire,Peer to peer network peer-to-peer adj (Computer Science) (of a computer network) designed so that computers can send information directly to one another without passing through a centralized server. Abbreviation:P2P ...
to keeping the momentum. Capital Springboard's peer-to-peer investing platform is intuitive and user-friendly. The platform is supported by a strong team with expertise in finance and business. We will provide accredited investors the opportunity to invest in an exciting new asset class, and to...
根据第二段“P2P lending is the now well-established practice of lending money to individuals or businesses through online services that match lenders, investors, directly with borrowers, enabling both parties to bypass conventional providers such as banks.(P2P借贷是一种成熟的做法,通过在线服务将资金...
Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending enables an individual to obtain a loan directly from another individual, cutting out the traditional bank as the middleman.