These data, and the interview and focus group data, suggested that peers seek only specific instrumental and task-related support—for example, the kinds of activities described in team communication—from their fellow staff members. A few peers had established good collab- orative w...
This study investigated the perceptions of key stakeholders on near-peer teaching in general practice, their current near-peer teaching activities, and methods of recruitment and support. Methods: A national anonymous online survey was used to obtain data on Australian stakeholders' perceptions of, ...
Peer support is being introduced into mental health services internationally, often in response to workforce policy. Earlier systematic reviews incorporate different modalities of peer support (i.e. group and one-to-one), offer inconsistent evidence of effectiveness, and also indicate substantial heteroge...
UserActivities Windows.ApplicationModel.UserActivities.Core Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.Provider Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.SystemAccess Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.DataProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.Voice...
Corsaro (2000) found that children often created their own peer cultures within early childhood settings; defining a peer culture as ‘a stable set of activities or routines, artifacts, values, and concerns that children produce and share in interaction with peers…’ (p. 92). Corsaro (2005)...
(1) awareness of peers with similar disability and distress and (2) formation and utilization of peer support. These results suggest that adjusting the environment and engaging in activities assisting others are useful for facilitating peer support and promoting the recovery of users in psychiatric ...
Parent education classes and written materials, as well as social activities; e. Staff education to promote understanding of NICU families' psychosocial needs, family-centered care practices and methods of communicating and providing support (see 'Recommendations for enhancing psychosocial support of NICU...
UserActivities Windows.ApplicationModel.UserActivities.Core Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.Provider Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.SystemAccess Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.DataProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.Voice...
Cultural factors such as language proficiency and communication styles can impact the effectiveness of online peer feedback activities, highlighting the importance of ensuring that feedback prompts and instructions are clear and easily understood by all students. Additionally, faculty support, including ...
To each MCP group 2-3 peer mentors studying Year 2 or Year 3 from the same Programme will be assigned. Activities will be organized, mainly by peer mentors, to cultivate peer support and sense of belongings among our stude [translate] ...