This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and associated factors of violence against hospital security personnel and describe circumstances of violence, type of perpetrators, and victims' response. In total, 170 security personnel from a university hospital in Egypt Methods: were recruited in this ...
The Role of Institution-Based Peer Support for Health Care Workers Emotionally Affected by Workplace ViolenceThe Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety
Women's experiences of workplace bullying: A content analysis of peer‐reviewed journal articles between 2000 and 2017 Bullying has been a serious social issue in contemporary society. Traditionally, bullying has been examined in various social contexts and different popula... M Misawa,JL Andrews,KM...
Workplace violenceNursing internsPsychopathological symptomsDeviant workplace behaviorsNetwork analysisWorkplace violence in healthcare has become a global concern, and nursing interns are not immune to it in clinical settings. It is critical to understand the impact of workplace violence on the ...
Conclusion Workplace violence against resident doctors in Syria is highly common. Therefore, policymakers, hospital managers, and supervisors should work collaboratively in order to minimize WPV and ensure resident doctors' safety and psychophysical stability....
Violence and discrimination are common events at work, especially in health care. Moreover, such workplace experiences are considered to have negative impacts and particularly adverse health consequences on health care workers. Nevertheless, the problem is still highly underreported and thus largely ...
Meanwhile, nurses are a highly vulnerable group to workplace violence (WPV), increasing the risk of depression. Nurses with different personalities may have various views and feelings towards WPV, and their impact on depression may also vary. This study aims to reveal the impact of thefive-...
A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data on different aspects of workplace violence against physicians and nurses in five public hospitals between June and July 2011. The questionnaires were distributed to a stratified proportional random sample of 271 physicians and nurses, of which...
Workplace violenceGeneral hospitalComparisonWorkplace violence (WPV) among nurses has become an increasingly serious public health issue worldwide. Investigating the status quo and characteristics of WPV among nurses in different time periods can help hospital managers understand the current status of WPV...
However, to date, little attention has been directed toward fear of workplace violence among nurses. Accordingly, this study investigated the level of fear of future workplace violence and its influencing factors among nurses in Shandong, China. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from ...