Research Integrity and Peer Review occupies a unique niche in the open-access field as the only journal covering all aspects of integrity in research ...
Research Integrity and Peer Review occupies a unique niche in the open-access field as the only journal covering all aspects of integrity in research ...
To ensure your queries relating to the Peer Review System, the submission process and manuscripts under review reach the appropriate contact as quickly as possible use the"Contact the journal"optionon the relevant journal's website. A journal's submission interface can be accessed by going ...
Find out how the peer review process works and how you can use it to ensure every article you publish is as good as it can be.
We allow Editors, authors to aim on bringing out quality Articles to the Scientific and Academic community by simplifying their process from submission of article to publishing the issues on the website and also by providing Reprints. We follow double blinded peer-review process. With the help ...
Over the years, I’ve fine-tuned a method that has helped me to drastically cut the amount of time I spend on each review, while still providing thorough, constructive critiques. Here’s how it works. Scan, dictate, refine I break the review process down into three simple steps: ...
Volume: 637, P: 258-259 ‘Getting paid to review is justice’: journal pays peer reviewers in cryptocurrency ResearchHub Journallaunches latest attempt to compensate referees for their labour. Holly Else News11 Dec 2024Nature All News & Comment
” the site’s moderators wrote when they first revealed the legal threat.“The case may have to resolve what is perhaps the most vexed legal issue in post-publication peer review today: if features of published data are suggestive of misconduct, is it defamatory to draw attention to those ...
To avail of this, after you revise your paper based on the pre-submission peer review report, you can send it back to us for a free recheck by the expert.*Disclaimer: All third-party trademarks (including logos and icons) of journals / publishers, etc. referred to on this website ...
Journal experiments and surveys suggest scientists are coming round to the idea of publishing review reports. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Subscription info for Chinese customers We have a dedicated website for our Chinese customers. Please go...