A retrospective analysis was adopted to investigate how recent high school graduates perceived online social capital, peer relationships and academic identity during high school life. A total of 1,286 Chinese high school graduates (510 males and 776 females) participated in the survey. Correlation, ...
Brown,B.B,Larson,J.Peer relationships in adolescence. Handbook of adolescent psychology . 2009Brown BB, Larson J (2009) Peer relationships in adolescence. In: Lerner RM, Steinberg L, editors. Handbook of adolescent psychology, volume 2: Contextual influences on adolescent development. New York, ...
The role of close peer relationships in facilitating the resolution of the exploration and commitment tasks of career development in late adolescence was investigated. Measures of environmental and self-exploration, progress in committing to career choices, attachment to peers and parents, mutuality, and...
Considerable evidence supports the hypothesis that peer relationships influence the growth of problem behavior in youth. Developmental research consistently documents the high levels of covariation between peer and youth deviance, even controlling for selection effects. Ironically, the most common public inter...
Youth in foster care have been shown to be at risk for a range of negative behaviors. Developmental research has highlighted the important role that peer relationships can play in an adolescent's development. For youth in foster care, peer relationships can also play an important role in both ...
In A. A. Drewes, L. J. Carey, & C. E. Schaefer (Eds.), School-based play therapy (pp. 277–296). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. About this Reference Work Entry Title Peer Relationships: Promoting Positive Peer Relationships During Childhood Reference Work Title Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention ...
The findings provide partial support for Bowlby's (1988) contention that the emotion-based interactions with parent figures have repercussions in other relationships. The modest size, however, indicates that other factors besides attachment to parents play an important role in peer relations.doi:...
Peer relationships as a context for the development of school engagement during early adolescence Using data from 1,676 youth who participated in three waves (Grades 6 to 8) of the longitudinal, 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development, we tested two ser... Y Li,A Doyle Lynch,C Kalvin,....
Relationships within the family (parent-child and siblings) are not the only significant relationships in a child’s life. Peer relationships are also important. Social interaction with another child who is similar in age, skills, and knowledge provokes the development of many social skills that ar...
Nearly all aspects of human development are influenced by genetic and environmental factors, which conjointly shape development through several gene–environment interplay mechanisms. More recently, researchers have begun to examine the influence of genetic factors on peer and family relationships across the...