dress certain ways,use certain words,eat certain foods,and on and on.No matter how old you are,there will always be peer pressure,but it can be a problem in high school.Though peer pressure can sometimes result in positive (积极的) results,usually it is used to describe a negative (...
“peer pressure”的英文解释是:Peer pressure refers to the pressure or influence exerted by peers or individuals of the same age group, often compelling individuals to make decisions or behave in ways they might not otherwise choose to, in order to conform to gro...
[英语作文]Peer pressure同龄压力[ peer pressure is the phenomenon in which an individual is influenced by their peers to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors in order to fit in or fit into their peer group. This pressure can be either positive or negative. On the positive side, peer...
Peer pressure can be positive, negative or neutral, it's not always bad. Most people focus on negative peer pressure and forget the rest. Examples are below: Positive Peer Pressure: I am a hugeprocrastinator. I wasn't going to study for the test tomorrow. My friends and I were hanging ...
Peer pressure can be positive or negative, but it is often harmful. As research conducted byWelham Girls Schoolpeer pressure can be either direct or indirect, which means that the person under pressure does not know about it directly (direct), or through the actions of others (indirect). ...
Peer pressure is a common experience that most people encounter at some point in their lives. It is the influence exerted by one's peers to conform to a particular behavior, attitude, or fashion. Peer pressure can be either positive or negative, depending on the situation and the people invo...
dress certain ways,use certain words,eat certain foods,and on and on.No matter how old you are,there will always be peer pressure,but it can be a problem in high school.Though peer pressure can sometimes result in positive (积极的) results,usually it is used to describe a negative (...
Peer pressure is when we are forced to act in a particular way because we have a desire to fit in and be accepted by others or being pushed towards a certain choice (positive or negative) by someone of our age.There is nobody that wants to be talked about or laughed at. But, regret...
This influence can come in many forms, such as direct persuasion, subtle cues, or even overt coercion. Peer pressure can be both positive and negative, and its effects can be profound, particularly during adolescence when individuals are more susceptible to outside influence. Positive peer ...