It was found that the resource teachers were doing minimal mentoring activity in their everyday work as resource teachers. The activity is mostly in the form of dispensing information and organising workshops and demonstrating instructional strategies. Their potential as mentors could be enhanced by ...
Firstly, we investigated the behavioural changes in the peer-mentors through a (self-reporting) questionnaire. Additionally, we measured the perceived inclusion of the first-year students, divided into belonging and authenticity, using a validated questionnaire. Results Our results show that peer-...
The project aimed to strengthen existing links and ease the transition of pupils from feeder primary schools to the secondary school. The second aim was to improve the key skills of the mentors and have an impact on their learning. The project involved year 10 older students mentoring pupils ...
Chapter 5 Mentoring and Supportive Networks for Women of Color in Academe The following broad questions guided our chapter: (1) What types of mentors and mentoring relationships should early career women of color faculty should seek? (2) How are norms between prot茅g茅s and mentors created, re...
Based on the finding, the buddy approach is valued by both mentees and mentors and is pivotal in supporting students in promoting a sense of friendship, safety, belonging and protection, while also building a sense of responsibility, satisfaction and pride. The buddy approach could potentially be...
2.Being in a middle position. [Late Latinmediāre, mediāt-,to be in the middle, from Latinmedius,middle; seemedhyo-inIndo-European roots.] me′di·ate·ly(-ĭt-lē)adv. me′di·a′tion(-ā′shən)n. me′di·a′tive,me′di·a·to′ry(mē′dē-ə-tôr′ē)adj. ...
The dyad is typically close in age and hierarchical levels, have a commonality of experience, and have relationships of longer duration (Kram & Isabella, 1985). Peer-mentors can perform some of the same functions as traditional mentors, such as information sharing, job-related feedback, ...
Understanding how student peers influence learning outcomes is crucial for effective education management in complex social systems. The complexities of peer selection and evolving peer relationships, however, pose challenges for identifying peer effects
Training, Implementation, and Potential of a Cybermentoring Scheme in Six EU Countries. Cybermentoring refers to virtual peer support in which young people themselves are trained as cybermentors and interact with those needing help and advice ... Smith, Peter K.|Thompson, Fran|Jessel, John|Kouch...
science mentorsandpeertutors trained in interactiveteachingapproaches, but it needs a follow-up programme [...] 科学教育项目通过互动的教学办法培养了一批科学 导师和辅导人员,但是该项目需要一个后续项目,以保持青年教师对科学的热情。