假设我们现在有一个Hello工程,已经在其根目录下的package.json文件中的dependencies字段里声明了packageA作为依赖,而其下面有两个项目app_A和app_B,它们也依赖packageA。如果我们用dependencies而不是peerDepenedencies来声明,那么npm install安装完项目之后的依赖结构如下图所示: ├── Hello │ └── node_modules...
this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution. 解决方案 在安装命令后面加上--force 或者--legacy-peer-deps,让它忽略这个冲突 @REM npm 安装 npm i pinia@2.0 --legacy-peer-deps @REM node 安装 yarn add pinia@2.0 --legacy...
This utility will recursively find allpeerDependenciesin your project'sdependencieslist. It checks if you have installed a package that meets the required peer dependency versions. If any peer dependencies areunmet, it will search for a compatible version to install. Note: you must runnpm installor...
我正在尝试运行 npm install @react-navigation/native @react-navigation/native-stack 但在这样做时最终收到这些错误:
const ppd = require('promote-peer-dependencies'); ppd(); NoteThere is a packagenpm-install-peersthat predated this one and is designed for use as a global command line tool. This does that, but is available as a simple function via require() for integration into other projects. ...
I'm excited to share with you my journey of understanding and mastering peer dependencies in npm. As a developer, I've come to realize the significant impact that peerDependencies can have on the success of a library and the smooth functioning of an application. ...
大意是:如果依赖(指peer dependencies)的冲突导致出错,则尝试安装另外一个(无冲突的版本)。所以,在写自己的插件时,对依赖的限制要尽量宽松,不要绑死到一个确定版本上。由于插件不是我们写的,我们能做的,就是换一个不冲突的版本,比如,把karma-browserify@5.1.1换成karma-browserify@4.4.2,冲突就解决了:...
[译] Node 模块中的 peer dependencies 是什么? 原文:https://flaviocopes.com/npm-peer-dependencies/ 在某些 package.json 文件中,你可能见到过一些这样的配置行: 代码语言:javascript 复制 {//..."peerDependencies":{"libraryName":"1.x"}} dependencies及devDependencies常见,而peerDependencies并不是。
If this is a brad practise, how can I tell npm to give me the very same version it's installed by another package? "dependencies":{"dependency-A":"x.y.z","dependency-B":"~try the one that is installing dependency-A~",}
Installing Peer Dependencies To resolve the unmet peer dependency warning, you can simply install the required package separately. In this case, we need to install theeslintpackage. You can do this by running the following command: npminstalleslint ...