Peep and the big wide world的主角是一只黄色的小鸡仔Peep,两个最重要的配角是一只红色的小鸟Chirp和...
整体说明: 动画名称:小皮大世界 英文版1-5季其他名称:PP鸡仔和整个儿世界 / 小鸟趣事多英文名称:Peep and the Big Wide World动画集数:共94集动画格式:mp4动画分辨率:720×480(480p)动画语言:
English Diva Duck Newton's Big Adventure The Trip to Green Island Hoop Tricks The Mystery of the Thing that Went (and Came Back) Peep Prints I Spy a Spider Trading Places Bridge the Gap That's a Cat Faster Than a Duck Peep Theme Song ...
小鸟趣事多Peep and the Big Wide World 英文版动画简介 《小鸟趣事多》Peep and the big wide world的主角是一只黄色的小鸡仔Peep,两个最重要的配角是一只红色的小鸟Chirp和一只蓝色的鸭子Duck。 Peep是一只出生不久的小鸡仔,她还没出生妈妈就走了,因此,孤身一人来到这个世界的她就显得尤为不谙世事。幸好,不久她...
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The Sounds of Silence, Part I Sizes and Sounds Hear Here Listening to Echos Where's Quack? Things that Go Peep in the Night Making Shakers and Guessing Sounds Quack Quiets the Universe Quiet Quest Chirp, Chirp, Tweet, Tweet, Chirp
Set in and around a pond, a bush, and a tin can, PEEP and the Big Wide Worldfollows a newly hatched chicken named Peep, and his friends Chirp and Quack (a robin and a duck), on their daily adventures. Surrounding them is a large urban park - a place of g
超有趣的英语动画片 Peep and the Big Wide World,配英文字幕,语速较慢,方便跟读模仿。建议第一遍观看,第二遍跟读。本片图画线条简单优美、题材广泛、趣味性强。孩子可以笑声中学习英语!故事内容简洁,即使英语水平不是很高的小朋友也能看明白大意,孩子接受起来不难。快和这三个性格不同但感情要好的朋友一起来...
1、MANWellitsunnydayIfeelbrandnewThereaboutmillionthingsthatcoulddoWhoaohwouldyouliketothemtooYeahbigwideworldAndwaitingformeclappingmusicLetlookaroundWhatwillweseeRoundeverycornerdiscoverynoplaceratherbesongSpringThingNARRATORwasanothercoldgraywintryTheskywatereventhoughPeepasyelloweversighsHefelthumm 2、ingquacks...