Cuticles or 'eponychia' refer to the small folds of skin, which usually appears thickened, at the base of the nails. Cuticles are so designed to protect the area between the skin and the nail from any possible infection. While some hardly notice their cuticles, those with dry skin common...
Pick a firming mask to target tired skin at the end of a busy week. Apply it to your cleansed face to strip out stressors, then leave it to absorb while you kick back with a cuppa. To intensify the replenishing effects, choose an overnight mask and let it get to work as you slumbe...
When applying retinoid creams or gels, be sure to avoid sensitive areas around the nose and eyes. Other topical medications like benzoyl peroxide (which fights acne-causing bacteria), sulfa (a type of antibiotic) and salicylic acid may lead to dry skin and cause peeling and flaking, espe...