Finally third flashing tape course across the window top: the horizontal top of the window is sealed with peel and stick flashing tape, with its ends lapping over the top of the flashing tape that ran along the window sides. The top flashing tape should extend at least 1" past the verti...
When flashing windows to rigid-foam sheathing, peel-and-stick membranes are the flashing material of choice because they can be lapped continuously from the inside of the rough opening over the furring (or window nailer) and onto the foam. Because there is no housewrap (the rigid foam acts ...
POST a QUESTION or COMMENTabout how to buy & apply peel and stick flashing tape around window & doors or at housewrap joints or holes. Peel and stick flashing tape or membranes are used around building openings and at other locations where there is extra risk of leakage. ...
In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the stretch wrap100of FIGS. 1-4 is part of a three layer peel-and-stick stretch wrap. The top layer is the surface film as shown and described in FIGS. 1-4 having the slits. The middle layer is an adhesive or compound, such as bu...