This is because the route of infection for most STIs is very different from that of a UTI. With a UTI, the bacteria will typically travel up the urethra to establish an infection in the bladder. With an STI, most bacteria enter the body through porousmucosal tissuesthat line the female g...
Should I spay my older dog?Greetings, I have an 8 year old female shih tzu that never had any puppies,and...(21306 views) My dog is pooping blood.What does it mean when a dog poops blood? I woke up this morning and there was...(696758 views) ...
microscopically. If your vet determines that your cat's urine contains blood (but no crystals, bacteria, or stones), the likely diagnosis will be idiopathic cystitis. This condition is usually treated with diet changes and environmental enrichment. Pain and anti-anxiety medications may also be ...
Wait. No we didn’t. He laughed and laughed…and then stopped because probably he feared for his life. (I don’t care what anyone says, I know with a painful certainty that my lifeblood and brainblood were decimated via my breast milk. Case in point, my vocabulary has shrunk ten-fold...