[11] Meticulous, clear documentation is essential, including the use of photographs and/or diagrams as necessary. A medical history is vital not only to form a plan that addresses the child's safety but also to determine whether the family should be referred to a child protective services ...
To assess a patient’s physical readiness for treatment, a complete baseline PT and/or OT exam must be conducted. This should include assessment and documentation of a patient’s current physical functioning and range of motion, as well as a mobility device evaluation (e.g., fitting for crutc...
However, these data have been inconsistent across studies, primarily due to sample size and limitations in study design for example. Purpose: To examine the relation between behavior problems at 7 years and adolescent obesity (14 years). Methods: Data were obtained from a prospective pregnancy ...
For example, babies who are receiving an elemental formula do not require as much energy for digestion compared to those receiving more complex nutrition [14]. Additionally, premature babies grow at a more rapid rate (17 to 19 g/kg/d) than full term infants (4 to 8 g/kg/d) and, ...
The educational programming consisted of four 3-hour interactive seminars based upon a progressive case example, a home visit, hospice experience, parent-written novel review and reflective journal. Seminar topics included; 1)overview of palliative care, 2)communication skills, 3)ethics, 4)pain ...
For example, it is not unusual to observe convulsive status evolve into non-convulsive status, either due to progression of the underlying etiology causing the SE, or to progressive encephalopathy as a consequence of the SE. The ability to relate these changes is one strength...
We will have 80% power to detect a correlation of 0.42-0.43 between change in CRP and US changes over time, for example. To evaluate the relationship between baseline US findings and clinical disease development, assuming that 50% of children will have at least one joint having an effusion ...
Key evaluation metrics for the appendicitis AND have been determined and are currently under investigation. For example, we want to know if PED staff nurses can appropriately use the AND tool and so we are evaluating the test characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, positive- and negative-predictiv...
The focus is further amplified with chronic diseases beginning earlier in life; as an example, nearly one in four adolescents in the US have malnutrition presenting as overnutrition (obesity) [36]. Synergizing human services with health services (e.g., public health with medical care) is a ...
For example, nonadherence is a significant factor in outcome as medications cannot be effective if they are not consumed. It is therefore important to assess adherence and adherence barriers in the clinic, as well as psychosocial factors which may be driving nonadherence. This allows nonadherence to...