ROBERTGREENBERGreported University of California, San Diego, School of levels of catecholamines in human abortuses of about .Medicine, La Jolla, California (introduced by 0.3pg/g of cardiac tissue, which is about a fifth of the A.M. Rudol~h) adult concentration of catecholamines. This ...
The thread that binds us together in San Diego in 1995 is "pediatrics" (Table 1); it is the only word common to the names of the three organizations sponsoring this meeting. Yet most of us have special interests and affiliations which if strong enough will sever our attachments to the ...
San Diego California San Francisco California San Mateo California Santa Clara California South Coast California NE Colorado NW Colorado SE Colorado SW Colorado Northern Connecticut Southern Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Broward Florida Central East Florida ...
Importantly, while direct analysis suggested TNC, H3K27 M mutation and high tumor grade were significant predictors of overall survival, only tumor grade and H3K27 M mutation were independ- ent predictors of overall survival on multivariate analysis. Taken together, these results indicate that TNC...
K.K. White, H.S., M. Raff and M.J. Goldberg, Musculoskele- tal Health in MPS II: Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection In- strument (PODCI) Demonstrates Functional Improvements in Patients on ERT, in World Symposium, 2009, San Diego, CA....
THE AMERICAN PEDIATRIC SOCIETY and THE SOCIETY FOR PEDIATRIC RESEARCH Combined Program and Abstracts The San ~ranciscoHilton San Francisco, California April 27-29, 1977 THE AMERICAN PEDIATRIC SOCIETY 87th Annual Meeting OFF lCERS President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Recorder Margaret H. D. ...
Canent, Jr., M.D. Division of Pediatric Cardiology Department of Pediatrics Duke University Medical Center Durham, North Carolina 27706 Howard M. Cann, M.D. Department of Pediatrics Stanford University School of Medicine 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California 94305 David H. Carver, M.D. ...
San Diego, California 92103 Litt, Iris F., M.D., Department of Pediatrics, Divi- sion of Adolescent Medicine, Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center, I I I East 210th Street, Bronx, New York 10467 Loda, Frank, M.D., Department of Pediatrics, Uni- versity of North Carolina School of ...
Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bien- estar Social, Paraguay Background: Pregnancy during adolescence involves an important nutritional risk for mothers and their newborns, situation that becomes more critical by the presence of malnutrition or micronutri- ent deficiency. Objective: To describe the ...
This disease is caused by autosomal dominant mutations in one of 17 differ- ent ribosomal protein genes (14). Such mutations account for approximately 60–70% of cases of this disorder. How muta- tions in ubiquitous ribosomal proteins can lead to such a cell-type–specific defect remained a ...