We look forward to serving your kids and the whole family. At Athens Kids Specialists, we are committed to partnering with parents to help foster children’shealth, well-being and safety. Our goal is to provide comprehensive pediatric health care for infants, children and adolescents with service...
We look forward to serving your kids and the whole family. At Athens Kids Specialists, we are committed to partnering with parents to help foster children’shealth, well-being and safety. Our goal is to provide comprehensive pediatric health care for infants, children and adolescents with service...
In your tabulation of congenital malformations are S.A.DOXIADIS (Aghia Sophia Children's Hospital, you speaking just of congenital malformations of the Athens, Greece): Are you trying to assess and measure central nervous system, or any organ system ? also morbidity in the psychological field; ...
TrMos V ALAES and ARIS KARAK- us, Queen Anna-Maria Institute of Child Health, Athens, Greece. The incidence of G-6-PD (glucose-6-phosphate de- hydrogenase) deficiency and severe neonatal jaundice was studied in the population of male newborns of the islands of Lesbos and Rhodes and in ...
MARIETTA XANTHOU, Athens, Greece. cant role in this increase were also investigated. Blood leucocyte counts in newborn babies are Additional data on the rate of synthesis of plasma generally considered to be so variable and unpredict- albumin in the post-natal period oflife will be discussed. ...