Pediatric primary care providers such as pediatricians and pediatric residents tend to be the most accessible professionals to manage behavioral health concerns such as social-emotional, behavioral, and developmental issues. However, pediatricians report they do not feel comfortable managing common behavioral...
Age-related behavioral health consultation patterns in IPC conform with expected developmental trends; however, sociodemographic findings suggest opportunities for enhancing care. Additional research is needed on IPC consultation given its promise for early identification, prevention, and treatment of pediatric...
Located in Eugene, Oregon, Thrive Behavioral Health works with children, adolescents, parents, schools, health care providers and other agencies involved with behavioral and developmental care.
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children offers a full range of pediatric services and specialties to meet the unique physical, emotional and developmental needs of children from infancy through adulthood.
Child Developmental & Behavioral Disorders - Pediatric Nutrition 2025 (Switzerland) Child Health - PEDIATRICS-2025 (Italy) Child Immunization - PEDIATRICS-2025 (Italy) Child Immunology and Autoimmune Disorders - Pediatrics Health 2025 (Canada) Child Nutrition And Development - Global Pediatrics Summit-2025...
Our compassionate pediatric experts offer a complete range of medical care, including behavioral & mental health care for children and young adults.
The future of pediatric psychology is reviewed and placed in brief historical context in relation to children's psychological health care. Contemporary trends affecting the delivery of psychological services, research, and clinical training are highlighted, with suggestions for future development. Pediatric...
For at least 4 decades, the need for improved pediatric residency training in behavioral and mental health has been recognized. The prevalence of behavioral and mental health conditions in children, adolescents, and young adults has increased during that period. However, as recently as 2013, 65% ...
Developmental evaluations, to assess your young child’s skills based on what is typical for their age Pre-surgical evaluations, to identify your child’s strengths and areas where additional support may be needed before an upcoming procedure Play therapy, which allows younger kids to express their...
Specialized health care professionals are necessary when a baby, child, or adolescent has behavioral or developmental needs that go beyond the scope of “typical” health issues that are common for their age. Ptarmigan Connections, based out of Wasilla, Alaska, exists to support the child’s fam...