Autorefraction– A computerized test that provides an approximate and preliminary measure of your prescription Retinoscopy– Uses reflected light to estimate the lens power needed to correct your vision Refraction– Determines the type and level of refractive error and your exact eyeglass prescription ...
Clinicians selected few mobile applications (iOS, Android) and printable materials within the Trec Oculistica App: the Snellen Chart Visual Acuity App, the 9Gaze App, the eyeTilt App, the Color Blind test App, the LEA Symbols pdf, and the Snellen Chart pdf. All patient...
In preverbal children, tools that may be used include the Bruckner test, cover test, resistance to occlusion of the better eye, monocular fixation, fixation preference, vertical prism test, forced-choice preferential looking, Teller acuity cards, optokinetic nystagmus, and pattern visual evoked potent...
New longitudinal studies will contribute to identify potential predictors as well as test the efficacy of pharmacotherapy in children younger than 12 years, for whom there are not yet drugs approved for treatment.Availability of data and materials Not applicable....
68 In addition, identifying intraperitoneal or pelvic free fluid quickly at the bedside in an adolescent woman with a positive pregnancy test may indicate a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and decreased time to definitive obstetrics/gynecologic management. Several studies indicate that pelvic EUS in the ED ...
Ultrasound has become the diagnostic test of choice in the evaluation of patients with suspected ileocolic intussusception. In addition to making the diagnosis of intussusception, ultrasound can be utilized to determine if blood flow is still present to the affected bowel, or to identify free fluid,...
The lengths of the PCR products of the microsatellite markers for normal tissue fall in the range of a mean of ± 3 bases (QMVR) in the MSI test kit (FALCO). Therefore, by defining a marker with a length outlying the QMVR as being MSI-positive (Fig. 1), MSI status can be...
These relative cluster volumes for each subject were the dependent variables to test for effects of scanner and sequence, age, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), intelligence quotient (IQ), Yale Global Tic Severity Scale total tic score (YGTSS) and medication status, either in the ...
These relative cluster volumes for each subject were the dependent variables to test for effects of scanner and sequence, age, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), intelligence quotient (IQ), Yale Global Tic Severity Scale total tic score (YGTSS) and medication status, either in the ...
These transformations on the color channels of the fundus were selected to unveil particular biomarkers, such as hemorrhages and vessel congestion. We note that we did not apply any transformation during the test phase. The 3 output feature vectors were averaged and a fully connected layer was ...