These guidelines are the product of a new Pediatric Asthma Initiative aimed at integrating environmental management of asthma into pediatric health care. This document outlines competencies in environmental health relevant to pediatric asthma that should be mastered by primary health care providers, and ou...
Hospital stays related to asthma for children, 2006: statistical brief #58 SM Schappert et al. Ambulatory medical care utilization estimates for 2007 Vital Health Stat 13 (2011) National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Expert Panel Report 3: guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma ...
The level of maintenance therapy should be determined by symptom control and lung function in the interval periods.” The British Thoracic Society/Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network states that the aims of the pharmacological treatment of asthma should be to control symptoms, prevent exacerbations...
Lu LRPeat JKSullivan CE Snoring in preschool children: prevalence and association with nocturnal cough and asthma. Chest 2003;124587- 593PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 9. Shin CJoo SKim JKim T Prevalence and correlates of habitual snoring in high school students. Chest 2003;1241709- 1715PubMed...
doi:10.1542/peds.2020-032755 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 41. Beck AF, Huang B, Wheeler K, Lawson NR, Kahn RS, Riley CL. The Child Opportunity Index and disparities in pediatric asthma hospitalizations across one Ohio metropolitan area, 2011-2013. J Pediatr. ...
S.; Sellers, C.; Fernandez, M., 2002: The stop asthma clinical system A novel computer-based decision-support program to enhance implementation of pediatric asthma management guidelines and promote communication skillsDOI: 10.1016/S0091-6749(02)82095-4 ...
19 The preventive measures commonly employed include (1) avoidance of intubation anesthesia in elective cases for children who have had a recent RTI or asthmatic attack, allowing 4 to 6 weeks for airway hyperreactivity to abate; (2) use of topical lidocaine 4% to the airway prior to short ...
ventricular arrhythmias, and sudden death secondary to arrhythmia [27,31,32]. As previously noted, the incidence of myocarditis is likely underestimated given the non-specific nature of these symptoms, often resembling more common conditions like asthma and viral gastroenteritis [30]. This wide ...
measures. PRO instrument developers are likely aware that children could have more difficulty with recall periods than do adults. For example, the Child Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire has a recall period of 1 week, which was reduced from 2 weeks in the adult version of the instrument[115...