However, the hybrid QC proof-of-concept left lingering questions about its applicability to other datasets because it was trained on a single-site, single-modality dataset. Here, we expand the hybrid-QC approach to a large multi-site dMRI dataset. Moreover, one of the common critiques of de...
Two Factor Index of Social Position. New Haven, Conn: Yale University; 1957. 21. Roter DL, Hall JA. Doctors Talking With Patients: Improving Communication in Medical Visits. Westport, Conn: Auburn House; 1992. 22. Kodish E. Informed consent for pediatric research: is it really possible?
multiple rounds of phosphorylation must occur before insertion into DNA18. Reduced uptake into leukemia cells has been proposed as a process underlying most instances of clinical resistance to cytarabine, though the responsible