Our mission is to provide the highest quality of care, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of childhood disease. Our patients are very important to us and deserve the best treatment available. Our facility hosts a friendly environment, professional staff, and a positive experience for the children....
Electronic supplementary material Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. A sleep attack in a 7-year-old girl falling asleep to the ground even while playing with her toys. Her awakening is difficult and prolonged, with features of sleep drunkenness. Cataplectic attacks are ev...
Struggling with academic challenges due to undiagnosed health issues, many young patients were often wrongly labeled as slow learners. However, with Dr. Burgos’s meticulous diagnosis and tailored treatment plans, these children witnessed a remarkable transformation in their school performance. This pedia...
Struggling with academic challenges due to undiagnosed health issues, many young patients were often wrongly labeled as slow learners. However, with Dr. Burgos’s meticulous diagnosis and tailored treatment plans, these children witnessed a remarkable transformation in their school performance. This pedia...
especially for parents of children stricken with epileptic seizures or other neurological conditions like: unexplained migraine headaches, movement disorders like Tourette's and tic disorders, cognitive and attention disorders like ADHD/ADD, learning problems, traumatic brain injuries and concussions, autistic...
At Blue Horizon, we realize that you believe a child in your life may not be developing like you had anticipated, or because you have been referred by an expert in the field of medicine. You may be looking for a medical diagnosis, or may already have one and are looking for services ...
The phenotypic composition of this cohort is similar to those in previous Western CMA studies.6,8 The male to female ratio in this cohort was 1.58:1, but significant male skewness was seen only among those with ASD (ratio = 3.05), attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (ratio = ...
Once a complete diagnosis is determined, treatment should advance in an incremental, multimodal approach. A comprehensive treatment plan will consist of psychoeducation (for both the parent(s)/caretaker(s) and the child), consultations with school personnel or other significant adult caretakers, psycho...
68 In any case, ADHD and OCD are unlikely to explain the results in the present sample given null results in the secondary analyses based on ADHD diagnosis and current OCD severity. This conclusion should be confirmed in a sample with prospective, systematic psychiatric diagnosis. The dog that ...
Conclusions:: the analysis of the recorded of oximetry monitoring during sleep is a very useful element for the diagnosis and handling of these patients. TL36 ACCURACY OF CHEST RADIOGRAPHS IN PREDICTING BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA IN YOUNG CHILDREN USING STANDARIZED MODELS. Torres F; Noguerol E; Gonzalez ...