and more of a reason to speed, plus make it more arduous for walkers to get to the other side. Then there was the midblock location of the bus stop, a mere sign without real benches or shade structure; its
Then, the pedestrians would get a false sense of security, as if the thing is a wall and just cross without looking. Lastly, this just reduces visibility, and that’s just always a retarded thing on the road. What about approaching police vehicles with siren blaring ? They can’t make ...
Thereafter, Hough transform was performed on the image to detect the straight-line part of the edge. When there are more than three straight lines obtained via Hough transform, we continued the process as a candidate for the crosswalk area. Three or more straight lines are selected here ...
The pedestrian is a very important actor in this situation, if the sound of vehicles moving faster than pedestrians seems important to us, so is the behaviour and sensory capabilities demonstrated by individuals. The responsibility is not unique to drivers of vehicles that do not emit sound, ...