Drivers at roundabouts should slow down before entering the circle and check their mirrors and blind spots before moving into an intersection. Pedestrians can enter a roundabout from any direction if they yield to vehicles already in the circle. However, drivers must yield to pedestrians who are ...
Young children should not be out alone on the pavement or road. When taking children out, walk between them and the traffic and hold their hands firmly. Strap very young children into push-chairs or use reins. Always walk on the footpath, they are meant for you. Where there is no foot...
Because of this constant vehicle traffic, pedestrians should always be on high alert when crossing streets and intersections, though drivers have recently been making this task more challenging. Rates of dangerous driving behavior, including speeding and reckless driving, are on the rise across America...
the prohibition of pedestrians from interstates or highway exits, and the reminder that pedestrians should always walk in the direction of oncoming traffic when sidewalks aren't present.
For these AVs, the human inside the vehicle is no longer in charge of the driving task and may not even be seated in the traditional driver’s seat (SAE Level 4, SAE, 2021). This creates new challenges for human factors experts, including how AVs should safely interact with, and ...
Walk into the Future with Sat-Nav for Pedestrians That Helps You Step out in the Right DirectionRead the full-text online article and more details about Walk into the Future with Sat-Nav for Pedestrians That Helps You Step out in the Right Direction....
While it seems a smart solution for such a cramped space as Hong Kong, the skywalk should be abolished and the walker should be allowed back onto the streets. Some governments around the region are rethinking their skywalk-plans. Thailand recently scrapped a planned new section for Bangkok, ...
The most deadly streets are not distributed evenly across Nashville. Equity must be placed at the center of all conversations about infrastructure investments in Nashville and in the city’sVision Zero Plan. Investments like sidewalks and crosswalks should be prioritized to address safety in neighborhoo...
Of course, but mostly not — and even if so, you could argue that the penalty for stupidity should not be death. If it were, we’d probably have a much smaller population today than we do. I am especially against the death of pedestrians because it is so plainly not a fair fight. ...
An important task in any wavelet-based analysis is finding a suitable wavelet function ψ. For the analysis of gait data from L5 resolved to vertical direction, i.e. aligned with the gravity vector, providing a proxy for vGRF, an appropriate wavelet function should effectively be a complex ...