Define pedal steel guitars. pedal steel guitars synonyms, pedal steel guitars pronunciation, pedal steel guitars translation, English dictionary definition of pedal steel guitars. n a floor-mounted, multi-neck, lap steel guitar with each set of strings t
Another Take on “Is Country Music Dead?” Steel Guitar Amp Survey Responses to “Is Country Music Dead?” Is Country Music Dead? Live Steel Music in Nashville Pedal Spacing November 2024 SMTWTFS 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 ...
Pedal Steel Guitars Log In Home Pedal Steel Guitars Models Purchasing Store Support About Contact More Welcome to GFI Musical Products, manufacturers of GFI pedal steel guitars D-10 U in Black Carl Broemel Austin Clark D-10 U in Black
The pedal steel guitar is a type of electric guitar that uses a metal slide (the "steel") to stop or shorten the length of the strings, rather than fingers on strings as with a conventional guitar. Unlike other types of steel guitar, it uses foot pedals and...
guitarfish n. [鱼]犁头鳐(形似吉他) guitarfishes [ guitarfish ]的复数形式 guitarist n. 1.吉他弹奏者 guitar shaped n. 吉他形的 steel n. [U] 1.钢,钢铁 2.(钢铁般的)坚强,坚固,冷酷 3.钢铁制品;刀,剑 4.钢铁工业 5.钢铁公司股票 a. 1.钢的,钢制的 2.钢铁业的 3.钢铁般的,坚强的...
pedal steel guitar “pedal steel guitar”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. 踏板电子吉他 相关词语 pedalsteelguitar
plural pedal steels or pedal steel guitars : a box-shaped electric steel guitar with legs that has usually 10 strings which can be altered in pitch by the use of pedals and which are plucked while being pressed with a movable steel bar ...
Steel Guitar Music & Songs Recording & Mixing the Pedal Steel Guitar Slide Tunings & Copedents Instructional Materials StoreSteel Guitar Players Influential Players The following players have made a great impact on pedal steel culture. They have put in the time and hard work at their instrument...
First of all, the pedal steel guitar is a very complicated instrument to play. Related Articles Basic Music Terms and Abbreviations for Beginners Examples of Sound Energy and How It's Produced Eggcorn Examples: Faulty Phrases That Still Make Scents ...