4.氮化硅(sin)用pecvd方法制备的氮化硅薄膜,不仅折射率非常适合(n=2.0),而且还可以获得很好的表面和体钝化效果。如表 1.2【5】所示,sio2,tio2和sin作为减反射膜的太阳能电池性能比较。从表1.2可以看出,氮化硅,二氧化钦作减反射膜和二氧化硅相比,电流密度与开路电压均提高很大,因此效率有很大提高。而氮化 21、硅...
PECVD法沉积氮化硅薄膜性质工艺实验研究 第38卷,增刊 红外与激光工程 2009年11月 V ol.38 Supplement Infrared and Laser Engineering Nov. 2009 收稿日期:2009-09-00 基金项目:国家“863”计划项目:用于可重构分插复用具有波长处理机制的平面光集成解复用接收器件的研究(2007AA03Z418); 教育部...
Moreover, a short review of our pre-coating system, which ideally supplements the main tool, is given. We also produced solar cells with our new tool and compare the results with reference runs on tube furnaces. It is shown how the homogeneity of the layer is evaluated.M. Heintze...
15 PECVD 的目的有哪些?沉积减反膜;增加硅片对光电吸收效率;增加太阳电池的光电流;钝化多晶硅的晶界
On the effect of bonded hydrogen in the local microstructure of PECVD SiNx:H films[J].Physical Review B 1995,208-209.Paloura, E.C., Kyo, Y., and Braun, W., On the effect of bonded hydrogen in the local microstructure of PECVD SiN x : H films, Physica B (Amsterdam, Neth.), ...
In this paper, SiNx film deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition was employed as a gate dielectric of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). We found that the NH3 flow during the deposition of SiNx can significantly affect t
Influence of Ammonia in the Deposition Process of SiN on the Performance of SiN/AlGaN/GaN Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Transistors on 4-in. Si(111). Appl. Phys. Express 2009, 2, 31001. [CrossRef] 11. Adivarahan, V.; Gaevski, M.; Sun, W.H.; Fatima, H.;...
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Hitachi SU-70, Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, ToSkcyaon, nJainpgane)lewctarsonutmiliizcerdostcoopayna(lSyEzMe ,thHe itmacohrpi hSoUlo-7g0y, oHfittahcehiCHNiTghf-oTreecsth.nToulongnieelsinCg oerlpecotrraotnion, Tokmyiocr,oJascpoapny) w(TaEsMu,...
Review ReportsVersions Notes Abstract In this paper, we investigated the optical and thermo-optical properties of a-SiNx:H layers obtained using the PECVD technique. SiNx:H layers with different refractive indices were obtained from silane and ammonia as precursor gases. Surface morphology and chemical...