pecvd 直流偏压高dc bias 高的原因 PECVD(等离子体增强化学气相沉积)中高直流偏压(dc bias)的原因有以下几点: 1. 提高沉积速率:高直流偏压可以增加等离子体中的离子能量,使沉积的粒子具有更高的动能,从而增加了沉积速率。 2. 提高沉积质量:高直流偏压可以增加沉积表面的能量,从而有助于表面活化和净化,减少沉积过程...
答:由于ICP与PECVD的工艺原理有差别,所有PECVD一般没有DC BIAS和VPP的指标,只需控制FORWARD POWER就OK了。ICP:属电感耦合机构.除了上下电极还有一个偏压电极.所以有BIAS 和VPP 的指标。 PECVD:属于电容耦合机构.仅上下电极.一般属阳极耦合则没有你所谓的BIAS 和VPP的指标,而阴极耦 合则有你所谓的BIAS 和VPP的指...
The influence of the technique parameters, such as ICP power, DC bias, gas composition, total flow rate, on the etching selectivity of Si3N4/EPG533 which is used as a mask layer and the etching rate of Si3N4 is studied, in order to get a better etching selectivity of Si3N4/EPG533 ...
Effect of Applied DC Bias Voltage on the Properties of Hydrogenated DLC Films Produced by DC-RF-PECVDNo article summary includedLi, H XTao, XChen, J MZhou, HLiu, H W南京航空航天大学
Advantageously, these processes do not require the use of a DC bias or dual frequency RF power and can use some of the same precursors used to make low-k ILD films.doi:US20070054505 A1George A. AntonelliMandayam A. SriramUSUS20070054505 2005年9月2日 2007年3月8日 Antonelli George A ...
Substrate TableLinear and azimuth motion of the substrate table, substrate heating and temperature control, mounting table and touch screen control, substrate linear motion is manually controlled, and substrate rotation is controlled by DC motors ...
High Vacuum Triple Target DC Magnetron Sputtering Coater with Bias Cleaning Function US$50,000.00-55,000.00 / set High Vacuum Dual Magnetron Source Magnetron Sputter Coater with Bias Cleaning US$29,500.00-35,600.00 / set High Vacuum Single RF Magnetron Sputtering Coating ...
AMAT Applied Materials 0270-20070 DC Bias Post Alignment Jig Endura Refurbished AMAT Applied Materials 0270-40094 Orienter Center Finder Tool New Surplus AMAT Applied Materials 0270-76118 Arm Leveling Zero Tool 0270-20080 Endura Spare AMAT Applied Materials 0400-50414 Door Liner New AMAT Applied...
High Vacuum Triple Target DC Magnetron Sputtering Coater with Bias Cleaning Function US$50,000.00-55,000.00 / set High Vacuum Dual Magnetron Source Magnetron Sputter Coater with Bias Cleaning US$29,500.00-35,600.00 / set High Vacuum Single RF Magnetron...
High Vacuum Triple Target DC Magnetron Sputtering Coater with Bias Cleaning Function US$50,000.00-55,000.00 / set High Vacuum Dual Magnetron Source Magnetron Sputter Coater with Bias Cleaning US$29,500.00-35,600.00 / set High Vacuum Single RF Magnetron Sputtering Coating Machine...