greater pectoral muscle- a skeletal muscle that adducts and rotates the arm musculus pectoralis major,pectoralis major musculus pectoralis,pecs,pectoral,pectoral muscle,pectoralis- either of two large muscles of the chest Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton Univers...
皮筋挂取教程 —— 胸大肌。胸大肌 Pectoralis major muscle ·起 点 : 锁骨内侧1/2、胸骨及2~4肋软骨、外斜筋膜及第5~6肋骨 ·附着点 : 肱骨大结节嵴(肱骨结节间沟外侧唇) ·作 用 : 肩屈、肩内收、肩屈位的肩伸 4-3 kary 运动损伤干预训练、肌肉关节功能训练、形体调整 #胸大肌 #肩关节 #卧推...
pectoralis major musclemuscle rupturebench press肌腱斷裂通常發生在工作或是運動時,但是胸大肌斷裂並不常見,這篇報告是發生在一位45歲經常練舉重的工人.已報告的病例中,至少一半以上是發生在運動員,其機轉通常是肌肉突然收縮造成,最常見的運動爲臥式挺舉,依據先前文獻的研究是建議做原發性修複....
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: pectoral muscle ( pectoralis major ) pectoral muscle ( pectoralis major )分享到: 胸肌(胸大肌)分类: 医学 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到:
An example of a muscle named for its location is the muscle pectoralis major, where 'pectoral' is a word that means relating to the chest. So, the name itself
of the muscle insert the highest on the crest of the greater tuberosity of thehumerus.3,65Thisanatomyresults in maximumtensionon the inferior portion of the muscle tendon unit.66The major function of the pectoralis major includesadduction, forward elevation, and inward rotation of the upper ...
A pectoralis major tear happens when you injure your pec tendon or chest muscle. This type of injury is rare, and it typically happens to athletes or weightlifters.
网络胸大肌;王胸肌 网络释义 1. 胸大肌 运动系统英语词汇 ... scaleni muscles 斜角肌pectoralis major muscle胸大肌pectoralis minor muscle 胸小肌 ...|基于62个网页 2. 王胸肌 【食品词典】P3_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... pectoral fin 胸鳍pectoralis major muscle王胸肌pectosase ...
pectoralis major muscle 读音:美英 pectoralis major muscle基本解释 胸大肌 分词解释 pectoralis[医] 胸肌 major主要的 muscle肌肉