成功的认证从这里开始 与我们的团队取得联系 借助认证能力,引领未来方向 您的专业人士值得更好的服务。凭借专业的行业知识以及认证能力,我们能够精确有效地评估专业人才所需的知识储备和技能水平,推动行业向前发展。
访问实用考试中心管理工具 访问资源 “我们于 2012 年开始与 Pearson VUE 合作,并自那时起,广泛采用他们的服务,因为他们是计算机化考试领域的全球佼佼者。Pearson VUE 提供安全、稳定且可靠的考试服务和解决方案。我们很开心能够与他们优秀的管理层和高管团队合作,通力配合,提高效率。” ...
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
Testing is stressful. That’s why, once you’ve decided to test online, it’s best to be extra-prepared. And that goes beyond studying for your exam — it also means knowing what to expect. To avoid surprises (and more stress!) on test day, do all you can to prepare in advance so...
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.