Taking an exam with OnVUE, our online testing system, is flexible, convenient and easy. It’s also very different from in-person exams, with specific rules and requirements. If you think it’s the testing route you’d like to take, you’ll need to get familiar with the differences. ...
At Pearson VUE, we believe learning takes us from potential to progress. That’s why we deliver the high-stakes exams that help industries and individuals make an impact on their professions, communities, and the lives of others. Learn more about Pearson VUE ...
At Pearson VUE, we believe learning takes us from potential to progress. That’s why we deliver the high-stakes exams that help industries and individuals make an impact on their professions, communities, and the lives of others. Learn more about Pearson VUE ...
At Pearson VUE, we’re committed to providing equitable access to testing for all. If you need accommodations during your test, such as extra time or a separate room, we can help. Learn about accommodations In the U.S. military? On-base testing offers convenient access to earn industry...
At Pearson VUE, we’re committed to providing equitable access to testing for all. If you need accommodations during your test, such as extra time or a separate room, we can help. Learn about accommodations In the U.S. military? On-base testing offers convenient access to earn industry...
At Pearson VUE, we’re committed to providing equitable access to testing for all. If you need accommodations during your test, such as extra time or a separate room, we can help. Learn about accommodations In the U.S. military? On-base testing offers convenient access to earn industry...
Test anytime – online testing can be conducted 24/7, schedule your exam whenever time permits, avoiding competing priorities or conflicts. Test in a highly secure environment – remote proctoring ensures all candidates test under the same secure monitoring conditions as a test center. ...
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
Testing online with the OnVUE system is flexible, convenient and easy — but there are unique requirements you should be familiar with. For example, you’ll need a private, distraction-free space to take the exam. A system test will show if your computer and internet are sufficient. And yo...
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.