Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
Pearson VUE 与 Microsoft 合作,提供各种 Microsoft 认证考试,如 Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE)、Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) 等。 帮助IT 专业人士提升技能和职业资格,获得更多的职业发展机会。 GMAT 考试: Pearson VUE 提供全球范围内的 GMAT 考试,帮助考生申请商学院和 MBA 项目。
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.
访问实用考试中心管理工具 访问资源 “我们于 2012 年开始与 Pearson VUE 合作,并自那时起,广泛采用他们的服务,因为他们是计算机化考试领域的全球佼佼者。Pearson VUE 提供安全、稳定且可靠的考试服务和解决方案。我们很开心能够与他们优秀的管理层和高管团队合作,通力配合,提高效率。” ...
At Pearson VUE we strive to help people realize the life they imagine through learning, skilling, and certification. And we believe we’re at our best when we harness the unique skills, perspectives, and backgrounds of every employee. Discover more about the values that guide Pearson employees...
NCS Pearson, Inc. respects your privacy and has adopted this Privacy and Cookies Policy for the Pearson VUE Business Group described below (hereinafter “Privacy Policy”). Pearson VUE is a business of NCS Pearson, Inc. This Privacy Policy is global in nature and describes our data protection ...
Pearson VUE 是一个全球性的考试服务提供商,提供多种类型的考试,1、职业认证考试,2、学术考试,3、语言测试和4、政府及军事考试。这些考试涵盖了广泛的领域,从信息技术到金融,从医学到教育,帮助考生获得各种专业资质和认证。接下来,我们将详细介绍这些考试类型及其具体内容。
Schedule your computer-based certification exam with Pearson VUE and explore other helpful resources for test-takers.