GCSE数学是英国本土的学生学习的,只有一个qualification。 IGCSE数学是针对非英国本土国际生设计的。有两个qualification,分为Mathematics A和Mathematics B。 GCSE Mathematics公式表 GCSE数学的公式表涵盖的内容相对详尽。 Foundation Tier会提供比较简单的平面图形(长方形、梯形、三角形、平行四边形和圆形)的面积公式,直角...
Pearson Edexcel International A level (IAL) and GCE A level Guidance for universities Welcome Pearson Edexcel International A levels (IAL), GCE A levels, International GCSE and GCSE qualifications are part of our iProgress offer, a consistent learning journey f...
Pearson’s leading qualification brand, Edexcel has been helping people succeed in life through learning for nearly 20 years. Edexcel’s world-class academic and general qualifications includeGCSEs,A levels,International GCSEs, as well as some vocational qualifications, includingNVQsandFunctional Skills....
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Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Centre Number Mathematics B Paper 1R Candidate Number Friday 10 January 2014 – Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Paper Reference 4MB0/01R You must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres, protractor, compasses,...
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