Pearson is the UK's largest awarding organisation offering academic, vocational and work-based learning qualifications, including BTEC and Edexcel..
BTEC Options tool could help you deliver your best options evenings and open days ever this Autumn.Designed to showcase the specific BTEC courses you offer, this engaging online tool offers a wealth of customisable options information that will help you to recruit and retain BTEC learners.#BTEC...
Pearson is the UK's largest awarding organisation offering academic, vocational and work-based learning qualifications, including BTEC and Edexcel..
We are pleased to announce that funding has been approved for the New BTEC Level 3 qualifications that we submitted in July 2023 as part of the Post-16 Level 3 vocational qualification reform. The 12 new qualifications are across Science, ICT and Computing, Construction, Early Years, Health an...
Find out about our face-to-face and online training events for educators who are teaching or interested in teaching BTEC or Edexcel qualifications from Pearson. Quick links Find a training course About Training from Pearson Contact us Pearson General Qualifications Bulletin Qualifications...
About Pearson News, media and policy Become an examiner Edexcel BTEC Related sites: Edexcel Online (EOL) Subject communities Pearson UK Schools and FE Colleges Pearson Clinical Feedback and complaints Legal notice Privacy notice Cookie centre Accessibility Social media © Pearson Education Ltd 202...
Pearson Revise Online Get instant access to 80+ GCSE eBooks linked to online revision tools for most core subjects and more, for Pearson Edexcel, BTEC and AQA, all in one low monthly or annual subscription. Our Revision Guides all include online revision!When you buy a Revision Guide, you ...
Pearson BTEC Level 2在线测试指南说明书 Onscreen Tested Vocational Qualifications Centre Guidance
pearson_edexcel_btec_qualifications_说明说明书 Principal Examiner Feedback May 2012 Functional Skills ICT Level 2 (FST02)
BTEC Ofqual have confirmed that exams and assessments for all vocational qualifications are going ahead as normal this year. We're using term-time checkpoints to ensure your school or college provide all the information to us so we can deliver on time results. ...